nickname: honey pie, pan, alsklig,
location: cleveland, ohio
relationship status: single smile
personality: i'm awesome possum
video games: bioshock, mass effect, fallout 3, sims, zelda
movies: MST3K, little big man, howl's
shows i enjoy: metalocalypse, futurama, supernatural
south park, degrassi, lost, euraka, star trek, firefly
hobbies: writing, drawing
work: medical records
message me or leave me a comment
i <3 them
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I like urs too!
Nice pro aswell whee
they all end in gate, except for my first 3, which start with gate. domokun stargate
i have 15 total, plus 6 co-owneds and brigate. domokun stargate
ah, i see. i'm an early 06, less than a month separated me from the 05s. this isn't my main, but it's my most used and richest account. domokun stargate
thanks! XD this is one of my favorite avis, the only one i have actually done 3 times. domokun stargate