Crystal Chrysanthemums

Crystal Chrysanthemums's avatar

Last Login: 07/13/2015 9:52 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/30


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I made my profile background myself!! If you use it or something, please credit me. heart

heart Hi! You can call me Chrysanthe. :3 heart

I've been gone from Gaia for a looooooooooooooong time, but now I'm back!

I'm currently a college sophomore and majoring in computer science. Classes and schoolwork take up a significant amount of my time, as well as worrying about my grades and GPA. I usually spend my free time studying, reading, playing video games, or drawing. I got a job over the summer so I'm also a working girl now. I'm always hoping to try to start up another freebies thread sometime, but things just always seem to get in the way. Maybe I'll make one someday. In the meantime, if you want some free art of whatever, hit me up, I'm open for requests.


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MyOwnSweetHeaven Report | 08/29/2011 4:33 am
Tis okay, I understand!! 3nodding
MyOwnSweetHeaven Report | 07/12/2011 8:06 am
Hello ^_^
Hari Quiet Soul Report | 02/17/2011 3:42 pm
Well I feel kinda slow cause I have no idea what new sweatdrop but It FEELS GREAT! Gosh I gotta catch up with Bleach! And I thought u were going to stay after for painting sweatdrop And something happend eek
shika139 Report | 01/08/2011 12:04 pm
HI!!!!! scream scream
Yuuna-Kiri Report | 11/19/2010 5:57 pm
Just wanna say thanks for the art!~ The drawing is so cute!~ ^o^
oxCaptain Sugar Plumxo Report | 11/09/2010 9:24 pm
Missed you too. Sorry. I've been busy with so much. ^-^;
Hari Quiet Soul Report | 11/02/2010 7:14 pm
Ya! Now I know were u live haha biggrin
Hari Quiet Soul Report | 11/01/2010 5:49 pm
Hey I went trick-or-treating at your door with Jenny XD Your mom gave me candy lolz blaugh
oxCaptain Sugar Plumxo Report | 10/18/2010 6:54 pm
Hello. o 3 o
out of the way gone Report | 09/18/2010 5:33 pm
of course you do im the best razz heart


..::Who is the betrayer?::..

..::Who's the killer in the crowd?::..

..::The one who creeps in corridors::..

..::And doesn't make a sound::..


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oxCaptain Sugar Plumxo
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Crystal Chrysanthemums
xx I met my fate xx