~DJ Animefangirl's mule account!~Sasuke Sarutobi is a ninja in service to Yukimura Sanada and also to Takeda Shingen. Sarutobi coolly stands by Yukimura and helps him out whenever possible even when Yukimura makes horrible decisions. In the anime, it's hinted he has a crush on Kasuga and even in the game he does but Sasuke doesn't want to admit his true feelings.
Help a ninja out, please. Donations are gladly accepted. ^_^
Dark Star and Jinxi's Charm were donated by Dango Tiger Yukimura
Puppet Master donated by Invincible Youth(my real life best friend. Thank you! )
Now, since Takeda is poor as hell and Yukimura hasn't been able to give me a raise since he spent more money on dango, I'm on a quest for gold. Gold donations are accepted and I will accept item donations that'll help me with my quest.
This is going to be a tough quest...
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