Welcome to my profile
Are you new to Gaia?
No I was on Gaia a few years back but got hacked so I left
Why are you back on Gaia?
My friend lili_lili talk me into coming back on
How old are you?
I'm currently 17 but will be 18 real soon
What are you like?
Well I am a really nice person but overly shy sometimes I tend to get overly hyper and ramble sometimes rofl so sorry if I get annoying I do have a short fuse so fear me MUHAHA twisted ....oops sorry
What do you like to do in your spar time?
I looovvveee to draw on paper and on computer (though personally I don't think I'm that good) I'll do request for a gold fee xd I also like to hang with friends or sleep my life away teehee 3nodding
Do you like Anime/Manga?
I LOVE anime and manga
What's your Favorite Anime/manga
Well I've been introduced to a few lately and I'm still trying to catch up on a few but here's a list
Durarara! heart heart
Hetalia(I've only read the first volume in the manga
Clannad heart (made me cry)
NARUTO heart heart heart heart (I'm behind though need to catch up gonk )
FMA heart
Bleach(behind as well sweatdrop )
Umm I can't think of anymore right now but I'll get back to you
What type of Artist are you?
I'm a cartoonist I'm currently applying to Art School
Are you working on any big Projects?
Yes for the past year I've dedicated myself to my Manga
Let's make Memories
I'm a socialist ******** the government...just thought I put that out there :3
[b:e21f4b2589][i:e21f4b2589]Hi[/color:e21f4b2589] I'm[/color:e21f4b2589] CraziiE[/color:e21f4b2589][/align:e21f4b2589][/i:e21f4b2589][/size:e21f4b2589][/b:e21f4b2589]
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