Amazing me !
^ soooo lemme tell jhuu bout myself , Nameee is Tianna DUHH buttt biddies calll me Nanaa ! Im 12 Certified Yungin ' ;] Created onnn O11698 ^ Capicornnnnn ♥ In the 7th gradee , Cufffed ? Helll yes , ya tu sabeee ? Im a real caring person (just likeee my grandmommaaa ' R.i.P] if you were in trouble , hurt or needed help with someone jhuu already know ill be there hun ! I likeee to give people advicee , help peoples problems out , &&&* dont worry i can keep secrets Butt sometimes imma shy personnn . Loveeee DRAKEE &&&* muhh ' TREY ; Nicki headdd even thoo she a BiRD xD Alll aboutt Gagaaa ♥ I get my $$$ nevaa ' beena cheapskate . I takeee Dance (Jazz &&&* Modern] Lived in Harlem all my lifee so you can say im typee Ghetto xD Soooo jeaa ' tell a lil ' bout you lml
Thee best niggga out theaa ' foah me! iFLY Jo$eeeee , 1O'23 ^ jhuuuu heard ?