Suggest me songs!

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Crablobab's avatar

Last Login: 03/15/2023 7:08 pm

Registered: 05/08/2009


OtakuKat on 07/31/2024
XxLovinSuicidexX on 06/07/2023
Xaraius on 04/05/2023
XO B S E S S on 01/16/2023
Fragile Lamb on 10/10/2022
Ren-Kobayashi on 01/10/2022
Zaeylia on 10/07/2020
ktoots on 10/01/2020
AlthIndor on 07/13/2020
Llewellyn by Storm on 06/23/2020
suIIen cookiebreed on 10/29/2019
vyonelle on 10/26/2019
bluntgutz on 10/13/2019
WispyBeary on 09/11/2019
Mimzy on 09/09/2019
luciho on 08/14/2019
Le Fils De Satan on 07/30/2019
Flynn Cocco on 07/24/2019
LunasaLyra on 07/16/2019
Labramon on 06/24/2019


I am Crablobab. Marketplace lurker and master procrastinator.

In other words, I'm just some idiot who (somehow) got access to the internet. Welcome to my parlor.

Don't worry, I won't bite. I tend to be very friendly to strangers and friends alike. Just don't give a reason to dislike you. e.g. don't be rude to other people.

If you do happen to be a friend of mine who I actually trust, I will help you as much as I can.

Here's what I play:

Overwatch support main, Smite Khepri main, washed up Spiral Knights vet, Monster Hunter enthusiast, Ark lag surfer, Terraria, Pokemon, Dead Cells, Risk of Rain, lots of others similar to those. Oh, and Final Fantasy 14. That one's a little obvious.

I love music. I mean, I can do nothing but listen all day. Suggest me anything you like! I usually prefer instrumentals.

... What, you wanted more? If you really want to know more about me, stop being a stalker and just find/message me! Well, cheers!


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Xaraius Report | 10/12/2022 10:47 pm
alrighty, if you insist! if you ever change your mind, even in 20 years, you'll know where they are!
and yeah, that alien onion fit is iconic at this point, so i support your decision lol
Xaraius Report | 10/12/2022 10:38 pm
yep, it is working now, thank you! ^^
and i also wanted to let you know that if there is anything i happen to receive from you, should you ever want anything back, just say the word! they will be safe and sound in my inventory until then lol
i very much appreciate it, crab! heart
(and feel free to ghost me also although you said you won't be on often, i've just got so much junk that i don't know what to do with lol)
Xaraius Report | 10/12/2022 10:20 pm
ooo i also forgot to mention i tried ghosting you and it says "User Crablobab does not allow ghosting," although i have no idea how you may go about changing that (i am boomer)
Xaraius Report | 10/12/2022 10:17 pm
your xiv name is great LMAO, mine is Rum Wumbo, and i do have you on discord from ages ago ninja

and that would be awesome and very kind of you! i'm actually scouring the marketplace for some unique old items that don't adhere to a "color scheme" like most items nowadays lol
i'll take a look and let you know if anything piques my interest, thank you so much!!
Xaraius Report | 10/12/2022 9:54 pm
ayyyy, hey there crab!! quite the coincidence, i started getting on gaia again two days ago LOL, it is good to hear from you!
i've been on and off ffxiv myself recently, but instead of doing anything meaningful i usually gravitate towards the gold saucer and fishing lmao
we could meet up sometime in game if you'd like, i'll message you on discord next time i get on!

i'm glad to hear you're doing well, and same goes for you about messaging me! ^^

Xaraius Report | 01/09/2022 8:34 pm
hi crab! sorry i disappeared without a trace for so long. i've been thinking of you lately and hope you're doing well!
jizzed when he Report | 10/15/2019 2:14 am
jizzed when he
do you play stardew valley at all

and do you know of the youtube ost cover guy PPF (Poop Poop Far)?
ominasu Report | 09/06/2019 3:30 pm
you hurt my feelings
ominasu Report | 08/28/2019 8:51 pm
hekki dffrienf
misterkeanureeves Report | 07/27/2019 6:19 pm
ppl are picky over some weird stuff, huh

