
cough_of_death's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: New Jersey

Birthday: 03/27/1989

Occupation: Nursing Student

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skulls, roses, rainbows, journal comments, messages, comments, gifts, positivity, life, music, photography, black, purple, pink, red, ducks, eyeliner, jewelery, HotTopic, popcorn, cookies, video games, computers, sleep, honesty, laughing, love, writing, sarcasm, tattoos, medicine...
olives, tomatoes, onions, rap, brown, yellow, orange, smokers, liars, fakes, overly preppy people, morons, bugs, polution, diseases, death, stairs, negitivity, crowds, acne...

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Cure CF

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Cure CF

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Sarah & the defibrillator

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IV poll dancing

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me & my ham

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me & my dog

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My car!

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My tattoo!

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me then & me now



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s e 7 e n_x Report | 04/26/2020 5:39 am
Heeeey Kate, how have you been.. it's been more than 10 years.
Hoping you're still doing okay. huuugs*
Fantasma Orgasma Report | 01/24/2017 10:02 am
i miss you heart
Junglistrc Report | 06/16/2010 10:53 am
hey you, howve you been?
Shideiru Report | 03/26/2010 7:11 pm
(well, I'm 2 hours early, but yeah)

Junglistrc Report | 11/12/2009 9:14 am
wanted to say hi ^_^ havent been on gaia in ages!
Elehayym Report | 09/06/2009 9:48 am
Almost nothing's up to date anymore. I haven't been on Gaia in forEVER.
The Muncho Report | 08/26/2009 9:07 pm
oh nice

well thanks kate
i appreciate it

how are you doing?
The Muncho Report | 08/26/2009 9:01 pm
thanks buddy
i didnt even know we had a trade going
maggoty tacos Report | 06/26/2009 12:44 am
I hope you're okay.
codymaggot45 Report | 04/08/2009 1:50 pm
Amazing music on your profile =o.


I never come on gaia anymore
add me on facebook.
(tell me you're from gaia)

kay so...I'm katelyn, my friends call me Ducky. I'm 25. I have Bronchiectasis, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Mitral and Aortic Regurgitation, (Congenital Heart Defects) and was diagnosed with "Failure to Thrive". I was not supposed to live to be 2 years old. But clearly I did! I could use new lungs! I have PTSD, ADHD, GAD, PD & mild OCD. I am a member of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I had my first Open Heart surgery when I was 2 years old. Now I have a pacemaker because my heart wontbeat on its own. I was born a twin but my sister passed away at 13 months old from Muscular Dystrophy. I live for music. I hate the idea of smoking!I love Brandy! Shes my best friend in the world! She got her new lungs in November 5th '07
She passed away May 22nd '08 at 3:19am! I love you Brandy RIP<33

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coughin till a cure
Pulmonary Fibrosis Founation-Save me?
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation-Save her?

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Breathe Easy Cure Cystic Fibrosis!!
Breathe Easy Cure Pulmonary Fibrosis!!
Live Life, Then Give Life Be an Organ Donor!!
Hope For Heart Defects!!

Rest In Peace

Lauren-Muscular Dystrophy-age 13 months
Kaitlyn-Cystic Fibrosis-age 16 years
Nikki-Cystic Fibrosis-age 16 years
Maddi-Heart Failure&Domestic Violence-age 17 years
Matt-Cystic Fibrosis-age 19 years
Chris-Car accident-age 22 years
Mary-Pulmonary Fibrosis-age 20 years
Jenn-Cystic Fibrosis-age 21 years
Kerri-Cystic Fibrosis-age 21 years
Ryan-Brain Tumor-age 19 years
Kaylee-Cystic Fibrosis-age 10 years
Nikkie-Cystic Fibrosis-age 21 years
Mike-Car accident-age 23 years
Kitty-Cystic Fibrosis-age 21 years
Lilly-Cystic Fibrosis-age 21 years
Eric-Car accident-age 28 years
Stacey-Cystic Fibrosis-age 15 years
Brooke-Cystic Fibrosis-age 18 years
Ami-Cystic Fibrosis-age 30 years
Chris-Hit by a car-age 15 years
Aaron-Cystic Fibrosis-age 36 years
Crystle-Cystic Fibrosis-age 27 years
Brandy-Cystic Fibrosis-age 20 years
Nancy-Ewing's Sarcoma-age 16 years
Cherie-Cystic Fibrosis-age 23 years
Lynn-Pulmonary Fibrosis-age 32 years
Tara-Lupus-age 30 years
Kevin-Cystic Fibrosis-age 22years
Joanne-Cystic Fibrosis-age 23 years
Caitlyn-Cystic Fibrosis-age 22 years
Jess-Cystic Fibrosis-age 20years
Libby-Congenital Heart Defects-age almost 5 years
Eileen-Sepsis-age 82 years
Eva-Cystic Fibrosis-age 23 years
Rich-Suicide-age 42 years


Purple ink plz?
Questing Signs: 28/50
Camwhoring in journal

Save a Life




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current dream avi

A look inside my heart:

The perfect example of what a true friend should be. You were more than I could ever hope for in a friend. We had the strongest bond any two people could ever have. You were my everything, and there was nothing I couldn't tell you. You were always there for me and I love you for that. I'll never forget you.

You opened my eyes to the horrible world of Cystic Fibrosis. You showed me that despite the pain there was always reason to smile. I love you and miss you, but more than anything I want to thank you for impacting my life in such a big way.

Over the years we've grown closer and closer. We've both seen more than our fair share of hard times. Honestly I don't think I could have made it through some of those times without you. I've loved you from the moment I met you but now that we're together I love you more than I ever thought I could love a person. You mean so much to me. I'm so thankful that Sean is willing to let me in. I now feel complete. I feel strong, like I could take on the world. And it is all because of you, thank you. I love you!

You're my best friend. When we're together time just flies (and flaps, lolz) You're the source of my strength. I love that I can talk about anything with you and never have to worry about an argument or being judged. I really don't know what I would have done without you the past few months. You're an amazing person. I love you so much!

You're a bit of a nut, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You're one of the coolest people I've ever met. I love that whether we're silly or serious the bond only gets stronger. Despite your CF I see you as an incredibly strong, almost immortal person. I love you.

You're the most insane 'brit' I've ever met! and I love every second of it! You always know what to say to make me smile. I love you a lot, and I hope we continue to grow closer.

You certainly are one of the weirdest people I know, but trust me that is a good thing! I love our text attacks at all hours of the night. Every time we talk I seem to be cracking up. You really are a great friend! I love you!

We've gone through quite a bit together, and I believe it only made us closer. You're always the voice of reason, and nothing ever seems to get to you. You listen to all my rants without ever complaining. I thank you for that. and I love you.


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R.A.I.D Raising Awareness for Incurable Diseases!

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In memory of SereneStrength

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S.A.V.E Support for Abuse Victims Everywhere!

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Fibrosis Guild!

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LOVE as long as you LIVE!
LAUGH as much as you BREATHE!

Today is the Tomorrow
we were worried about Yesterday!

Life isn't measured by the number of breaths you take,
but rather, by the number of moments that take your breath away!

Somethings cannot be seen or heard,
but must be felt in the heart!

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Rest in PeaceBrandy!