Cosmic Thing

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Last Login: 04/15/2024 3:36 am

Registered: 04/17/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Ohio

Birthday: 10/29/1992

Occupation: to young

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My "cosmic" life ;D

my name is kim.
ૐ a fire dancer
ૐ a hoop dancer
ૐ a vegetarian.
ૐ a artist
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journey through LIFE

~*~((( ૐ)))~*~


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Monarch of Spades Report | 06/26/2012 12:40 pm
Thank you for purchasing my "Yemaya's Pearl". I do hope you enjoy! whee
Hepzeba Report | 12/24/2011 4:28 pm
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I-BloodRaven-I Report | 08/27/2011 9:19 pm
Yep. Lol
Traitor5 Report | 08/22/2011 9:37 pm
You are attractive. However, it is unfortunate that you are a vegetarian. Unless you don't care if other people eat meat, in which case, my name is Bill.
Cosmic Thing Report | 04/05/2011 3:45 am

Kim Curry

Ms. Zettler

Period 2

April 3, 2011

Preliminary Prospectus

I will be researching nuclear energy and if we as humans are looking into long term, rather than short term, and if we are truly fit to be harnessing such a powerful form of energy. Some of my questions are: How dangerous is nuclear energy? How long does it take to clean up a nuclear accident? Is the number of lives (and miles of property) lost due to nuclear accidents worth it? Is it really “greener?” After seeing many news reports on the current Japanese crisis, and researching the topic of nuclear accidents (and effects of radiation fallout), as well as gathering other people’s opinions, I see that some people believe the risk is, indeed too high, it is not green, and we should not be building new reactors. I am interested in this topic due to the energy crisis, and the current Japanese radiation scare due to a nuclear power plant melt down. I feel people should be informed of an energy “super power” that could have the capability to poison the planet; will this cause more problems in the long run? One argument for not building new nuclear plants is the nuclear waste. The factories store it in barrels that are later put in desert mountains that take 10,000 years to decay, which is a very long time and it is unknown if the containers will stay closed for so long. Yet, another perspective is nuclear accidents are rare, and it is indeed green due to the fact that no hazardous emissions are released. I plan to gather information on this topic by reading and citing multiple gated databases, as well as checking out library books on the topic. Also, current credible magazines may also be helpful , it is important to have credible sources for an educated paper.

1.) Nuclear accidents

2.) Nuclear waste

3.) Chernobyl

4.) How long do power plants last?

5.) Nuclear melt downs

6.) Radioactive decay

7.) Nuclear fission

8.) Green power sources

9.) Problems with nuclear energy

10.) Pros of nuclear energy

11.) Radiation sickness

12.) How many miles would a nuclear ,meltdown contaminate

13.) Three mile island

14.) Nuclear emergency evacuation

15.) How to cool down a nuclear reactor

16.) Who works in a nuclear power plant

17.) How close do people live to nuclear power plants

18.) Why do people within miles of power plants keep potassium iodide pills?

19.) How many power plants do we have in the world?

20.) Splitting atoms

Malama Pono Report | 03/08/2011 10:53 pm
fire fans. yes!
foaaals Report | 02/25/2011 10:15 am
lets be bohemian together
if that was a song btw i have no idea what its from hehe xxx
oX bluejay Xo Report | 12/31/2010 5:29 am
Thank you for posting on my writing! Sorry if its confusing, but its meant to be that way! Basically, she was put in a room with a bunch of her friends by mass genocidists, and then an angel/deamon guy in the room decideds to help her. He gives her strength to fight by (connecting?) to her and thenshe fights through like seventy men. All of her friends die. Better?
Cosmic Thing Report | 09/26/2010 6:50 pm

Curry 1

Kim Curry

Ms. Zettler

Period 2

23, September, 2010

Vibes Through the Universe

All I needed was a CD, and a solitary luminous place to stay the whole day, and you wouldn’t see me again until dusk. This was my life as a child. I was never one to fake interests to fit in. While other kids liked Britney spears, I was stuck in the age of ABBA. I would sit there and mouth the words of “dancing queen” while playing the song in my head. The song would get so vibrant and real it would seem to me as through it were really playing and I would sit there in a bus seat swaying back and forth, not really caring if people thought I looked stupid. Not much changed throughout the years, granted, by the time I was in middle school I had a lot more self control to not sit there and sing to myself, but my extreme phases and sense of style, and taste in music still kept me slightly isolated.

It wasn’t until late 2008 I was introduced to the B-52’s. I was a sophomore in high school, and before I knew it, that year became the best year of my life. I was in the car with my best friend and my father, on my way to a church event when all of a sudden this bizarre, crazy, very unique song came on. It was the weirdest thing I’d ever heard in my life. But I LOVED it. The song turned out to be called “Rock Lobster”, it was almost five minutes long, completely

Curry 2

random, creative, all while telling a story. Before I knew it, the band of beehive wigs, glitter and space ships were influencing my art, and sense of fashion. They were bright, happy and weird. Whenever I would get side tracked in school, instead of daydreaming I would sit there and draw a complex picture on my hand with either a June bug, a beach … or perhaps a UFO. The Universe was the limit. And my mind never stopped there, it traveled beyond.

Months of creativity continued until late 2009, when my junior year began. I took another dramatic change, but my taste for the B-52s never died. The year was insane, I was getting into difficult situations on decisions made in a second rather than thinking of the consequences, it wasn’t that I was a bad kid, rather just a little extreme. But no matter what happened, I always had the B-52s to put me in a good mood, because it didn’t matter what was going on, as soon as I turned on their music, I was more upbeat then anyone could ever possibly be. I forgot everything horrible that was going on around me and I made it through that year with the cosmic vibes I carried since the day I was introduced to them.

As I approached my senior year in high school, I met another person that loved their music as much as I did, her name is Michelle, and we became very close friends. She introduced me to another one of her friends, Julie who lives in California. She got me into the art of fire dancing. When you’re dancing with fire, people may view it as a circus act, or some kind of weirdo who’s too bored with their life to have a normal hobby. They’re wrong. The way the fire moves in the dark is beautiful, and when you light up a fire hoop or watch a dancer in the dark... it is enlightening. It’s as energetic as lightning crashing through the heat, but also, it has

Curry 3

certain calmness…especially when you’re dancing to burn away the bad energy that flows in the air you breathe. Like I
lycoris prince Report | 09/22/2010 9:04 pm
Holy crap. You're beautiful. .____.



I love fire hooping.


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