arrow Hello hello everyone! I'm origionally Far-From-Normal, but due to a hacking I'm not anymore.
arrow Ah, so let me just a bit about me. I'm 18, I live in the U.S. (Not telling where), and I'm a freshman in college. I have many random moments, randomness tis fun. POTATOE! See.
idea Also! Must have to say that I have now lost my patience with multiple chainletters. You can get reported for sending them out, and I usually won't, but so far I've been getting to the point where I will, so watch it.
wahmbulance Much thanks is needed to those special gaians that helped me obtain some gold after my hacking
heart :
arrow Izayoi The Dark Missionary
arrow Eternal Soul 928
arrow magic iz kool
arrow Tyoon
Also other donators of anything:
arrow firrantello
arrow Boku-chan
4laugh My Dream Avis:
((x=bought, <3=donated))
Total Value: 183,270 Gold, 10,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 30,138 Gold, 10,000 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Bouncy AntennaeGold Mountain Red Vest And ShirtRed Candy Striped Stockings(x)
Red Eye Stripe TattooG-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt(x)
Charred Tundra Boots(x)
White Leather Belt(x)
Demonic Anklets(x)
Black TieGray Peasant Gloves(x)
Cloud Zebra Wrap(x)
Elegant Black Lace FanSummoning Tome(x)
Spirited 2k6 Candy CaneTotal Value: 56,820 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
White Leather BeltBelted PantsBlack Pearl Vinyl Strap TopCharred Tundra BootsMasterpiecesGillsBlack GetaGRIP GlovesSkull Hellmet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
domokun Yea, I love rping, mainly on the Heaven Vs. Hell Thread. This is my character for that one:
-Name: Maya
-Age: Looks 16, really 1150
-Race: Fire Demon
-Weapons/ powers: Her only weapon is her cresent lance which was made indestructable by Inferno. She can use fire, and a bit of darkness.
-Bio: Maya came onto Earth a long time ago for the war, but got sidetracked a bit after meeting many different people, and making friends. She fell in love with Inferno, and they now have a son, Roy.
-Other: She has a dragon, Serfious, who flies around the areas she's in from time to time.
-Sided with: Hell
exclaim ^With the new mermaid item I can make a pretty good Maya.
exclaim ^Lookie, a mini Maya! Isn't it cute?
heart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
idea Check this quiz out!
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~Kimi no omoide ni mo KIMI no mirai ni demo ATASHI ga soba ni ite ageru~
-Memories of you and my future don't matter, all I want is to get near you-
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