Thank you very much for all your generous contributions to the Gaian Item Library! We greatly appreciate it, & know our members do as well heart
Also -- just to inform you -- your "level status" in the guild has been raised to Level Five. In other words, because of the size of your donations, you're allowed to check out items from any of the five levels (the crew members are picky about who we give level 5 access to, so feel special 4laugh )
Thanks again!
Sincerely, The GIL
Wait, that's not funny.. ;_; I was checking out your deviant art page, put up some moar stuffs! D= I would comment but I haven't got an account. You have a very skilled artists hand miss! Ever thought about opening an art shop if you haven't already?
Right. As I'm sure you've worked out by now, the guild has died just a little bit. This is my fault for not putting in enough hours but as time went on I really struggled and got really really lazy.. So it's going into cold storage at the moment. Hopefully I'll add new stuff to it over time and then re-open it twenty million times better than it was and I have learned a fair bit from my mistakes. So, sorry to abandon the idea like Leon has. I do apologise! 'Till then I'm going to throw in the towel and join one of the crappy guilds just so I've got something to do in my spare time.
Anyway, hope you are having a lovely time and that you have a very happy valentines day! =D
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