The most incomplete about me, that isn't blank... O_o"
My name is Craig, i'm 16 aaanddd.....ummm.... (ahhh, I don't know what else to say... o_o") It's been so long since I updated my profile Dx. WELL! I like Orange juice! I play the yoyo, Sketch, read, Love (even though I don't have someone designated to love me back (a girlfriend) xD) I'm quick, deep, and good hearted. Being taken lightly or taking advantage my kindness is unadvised and will most certainly be noticed quickly and stopped immediately; so if you're a jerk, get lost. Buuuut, most of you are nice people. wink Thanks for reading.
P.s. I love meeting new people. If you see me around and wanna chat, send me a pm or comment. BAII!
Be careful what you wish for.
please dont...but i understand how you feel...its terrible...but soon it will pass and you will look back at what you were thinking and say ;"what the hell was i thinking",and just would hurt alot of people if your wish came true;like your family members and friends,god,and me!please love,please be careful what you wish for,it may just comes through.dying wouldnt fix anything at all.and even if it did they would be temporary,and it would start a ton more problems for the people close to you.I dont know if you consider me "close to you" but i consider you very close to me.think of you being water inside a bowl,and myself and who everyone else that loves you,and you love them are the bowl.and when you thought of dying made us,(the bowl) crack,and you(the water) start to leek out of the bowl,taking bits and peices of us as you leek out(which is not only killing you but US aswell)until the bowl cant hold up anymore......and it breaks altoghether...
Love does not come only once. ^_^ino that some things happen,but(harsh cruel and unfair they may be)no matter what the circumstance(whether war or love)never ever give up hope,and move forward.I also know "moving forward" is much easier said than done,but if you like i will help in what ever way i can.
Over Flowing with Love
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