Hello all you filthy peasants. My name is Clay. I'm seventeen years old and I've been on Gaia since March 2008... about four years. I'm always up for a good roleplay, so send some links!
I'm also interested in joining a bunch of guilds. Requests would be nice, and I'm willing to donate gold to the poor guilds that need it.
I have a journal that I will be posting in every once in a while. Basically I'll be posting some updates and random events that occur through Gaia... and sometimes stuff that I may find interesting or something I have a strong opinion on. So read if you want. mrgreen
I guess that's it... Until next time,
Spiriling Down Into a Pool of Awesomeness.
Basically, I'll be posting random updates and events that go on around Gaia, and stuff about my everday life... If anyone cares about that.
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