
Im Sick...


Viewing 12 of 47 friends


This is CJ_the_dude's book of everything...

This is MY journal. I write in it with stuff thats going on, just incase anyone didn't know that. If you don't know what I'm talking it's probably because I am not talking to you. Oh and any donations are nice... (lol I am broke)


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

x Dead Rosee x

Report | 07/02/2012 2:05 pm

x Dead Rosee x

We miss you too!
I've actually been pretty good, a little bored but that's okay. It's all because of some crappy weather. Haha. How has the States been?
x Dead Rosee x

Report | 07/01/2012 1:11 pm

x Dead Rosee x

CJ! Oh wow, it's been so long.
I was going through my comments, and I noticed I had one from you and 'b-man' about playing zOMG.
But still, it's been a really long time. How have you been?

Report | 11/16/2010 8:04 am


CJ!!! Happy B.day!!!!!! *hugs* ^ w ^
I hope you have the greatest time of you live, and also that we can meet once again soon!.
Atte: your friend, DevilsDarkDamsel (TomoyoJime... Kat Jones, of Cold War.) heart

Report | 08/27/2010 11:43 pm


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Report | 07/15/2010 8:30 pm


CJ!!! how have you been?, it has been quite a long time since we last talked. (in case you have forgotten about me, its me Kat!, Cold war... Tomoyo Jime...) I really miss you!.

Report | 12/06/2009 9:42 pm


WTF!!?? dosen't hashiteloverlite knw she can send privet messages instet of comenting pages imean epic fail there girl!?

Report | 12/06/2009 9:39 pm


BS wheres me??? this is a sucky page!! its a fail so epic its almost a win!
Aichi Hashitetashi Tanaka

Report | 12/05/2009 6:16 pm

Aichi Hashitetashi Tanaka

Hey, CJ. What's up?
Aichi Hashitetashi Tanaka

Report | 11/28/2009 10:01 pm

Aichi Hashitetashi Tanaka

Hey, CJ, can you post to the teacher? I have time to do one more, but I'm waiting on Kriss' reaction for going through her things.
Aichi Hashitetashi Tanaka

Report | 11/27/2009 10:21 pm

Aichi Hashitetashi Tanaka

That's fine.^^


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