NOT NOW SON! I'M MAKING.....*weird beeps come from machines*....TOAST! "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car" Hi! *waves* I like music. All of it-ish. Mostly Rock, Metal, '80s Rock, R&B, Techno...Stuff like that! Don't even think about PMing me and being all,"Ur music sux!!!!111!1elven!!1one!!* That's dumb and n00bish. If you do, I will beat the everloving s**t out of you, gut you like a fish and hang you from a tree. ~Thanks and Have Nice Day, From Kelly to You P.S.: Try not to be illiterate. I make mistakes too, but I don't purposly do things wrong. It's stupid; see above punishment.
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