Name: Brian Lührs
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Hair: medium length, brown
Eyes: blue gray
Mentality: insane, usually indifferent on decisions and on the edge of violence at all times
Likes: paintball, longboarding, lighting stuff on fire, fighting, lighting myself on fire, going to concerts, breaking bones (mine or someone else's), doing crazy stuff that looks cool but usually ends in pain, punk & ska music, wasting time on the internet, beer
Dislikes: People (Look'it the loner freak kiddies!), Family (******** can't even get along with his own flesh and blood!), school (oh so original), Myself (haha, stereotypical teenage angst at its finest), everything (including you)
Other: VERY prone to violence, ask any of my friends, the vast majority of them have been half strangled or hit by me at one time or another
Accounts that admin has ruthlessly banned to increase their own arcane powers: Pyrodude64, caps_lock34
All hail the great ski guru... who is too stubborn to wear a ********' jacket
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the youtube chronicles
stuff i find on youtube
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