I'm Seum (pronounced See-yam) :]
I'm also Siyma......but I hate that name
I'm also refered to as Sim or Sam
I have a lot of names
I was born 94th year of the 1900's
I like music
I like running in circles
I like my friends
I like touching clothes in shops
I like pressing my face against glass
I like looking at peoples hands
I still love him......
I like to colour in stuff
I sometimes know my alphabet sometimes dont
I like to read picture books
I like sleep
I make wierd faces to the people in the car next to me
I'm not too old or too young for anything
I'll keep images in my head for ages
Your face is overrated
I am plastic
I wish I was 5
I watch pokemon
I find eyeliner pleasureable and addictive
I like the atmosphere in museums
I try to talk to cats
I'm good at listening
but get my words mixed up
I like people who draw well
I like watching the sky
I get obsessed with things
I can't sing, But that's the only thing i do.
I really, really can cook
I just dont.
I like burning things
I cant explain myself well, so I dont
Frapps.....are cool
I draw on walls
I'm at war with my phone
I look like I dont care or don't notice
but believe me, I DO
I wish I had wings
I have a pet dragon but he's invisible
I can perdict a person's personality
before knowing them, and they're usually accurate
No, I'm not psycic.....I wish I was
I wish I was a guy
No I'm not gay -.-
I prefer face to face comunication
I hate backstabers
I love listening to stupd arguments
I like hoodies and sneakers
I wish my backyard pavement was smooth enough for me to board w/out having my old chinese neihboor staring a me...
I find stupid little things amussing
Dont judge me, your not beautiful either
I like my friends
I wish I could open up to love
I like sushi
I like old cartoons
I like fashion
I love to draw
I hate being told what to do
I tend to be aloof at most time
I dont judge
I love to make new friends
I've never done anything wild and crazy
even though I want to
I love life
I hate 70% of the people I've encountered and know
I like messing with people
I am awkward
If you dont like me, thats fine
uness I like you
I would love to be just an inch taller
I like to be honest
I can be trusted
..did I mention my fetish for eyeliner?
.....Your creepy.....Me too!! ^_^
We should be friends
surprised Talk to me. Leave comments. I love comments. :]
~~My fave Bands~~
heart heart heart Escape the Fate
Behind these Walls
Owl City
All Time Low
My Chemical Romance
Cobra Starship
Breath Calorina
Greeley Estates
We the Kings
Cash Cash
Cute is What We Aim For
Senses Fail
The Afters
There for Tomorrow
Family Force 5
From Fisrt to Last
System of a Down
and some others I'm too lazy to mention
Im questing 500k
heart Beloved Donaters heart Miss Candice Nicole__Feb Birthstone crown <333
Caffeads__1k <3
Haru Keishi__5
Kairos Memoria__5k <33
a-really-cool-username__10k <333
Free Huggles__1k <3Donate and I'll love you for life =D
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