
My art store ;D Would you kindly visit and bump? Thankies~vv
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Hey. Watsup.
I doth be Jesse, and I am 15. Shakespeare fan, humor fan, computer geek (but a cool one). I like green :3. Call me what you wish, just don't make it gross/plain ol' creepy. If you wanna buddy invite me, lets chat before we jump to conclusions. I do not have AIM, but I do have MSN, yet I don't give it out to strangers. I need to know you before I talk to you in general.


Talk to ya.


"""92% of teens would die if Hollister or Aeropostle concluded that breathing wasn't cool. Put this in your profile or signature if you are one of the 8% that would die laughing."""

Go visit these places. NAO. They all rock.

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Viewing 12 of 17 friends


Laughable Like J3||y

Muahahaha. Read if you want....

Read. Don't read. Don't care. Take a crack at it.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

e c h o of ages - -

Report | 03/13/2010 5:39 pm

e c h o of ages - -

Ah. I'm just clearing out old spots. I posted in the OOC to say which characters were being opened. ^^
e c h o of ages - -

Report | 03/13/2010 5:32 pm

e c h o of ages - -

I'm opening more spots because people haven't responded in over a week to my PMs, and one girl had to drop.
e c h o of ages - -

Report | 03/13/2010 5:26 pm

e c h o of ages - -

You may double. :]

I believe I'm going to double once I finish posting for everything. x)
e c h o of ages - -

Report | 03/13/2010 4:38 pm

e c h o of ages - -

I hope not. D:

I'll be posting later, once I get a few other things done.
Pixel Kimchee

Report | 11/06/2009 8:42 pm

Pixel Kimchee

Yeah. Pretty boring up here though.
I love San Fransisco. It's beautiful there.
Pixel Kimchee

Report | 11/03/2009 9:07 pm

Pixel Kimchee

Aha, I live in the capital. :3
Pixel Kimchee

Report | 11/03/2009 8:10 pm

Pixel Kimchee

Central. =D
Pixel Kimchee

Report | 09/18/2009 9:36 pm

Pixel Kimchee

No, no I don't. :c
Pixel Kimchee

Report | 09/18/2009 4:35 pm

Pixel Kimchee

surprised _O:
Pixel Kimchee

Report | 09/17/2009 7:41 pm

Pixel Kimchee

Cool. :D
Though, I must say, that the lines in the background
make the words in your 'about me' a bit hard to read.
But maybe it's just me.
I don't know who Narwhal is. D:


Ana, tell him about your day.

he should be screaming for mercy within a minute.