
chrissy_of_hailfire's avatar

Last Login: 09/23/2021 7:04 pm

Registered: 04/24/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Arizona

Birthday: 06/22

Occupation: Student

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Chrissy's Thoughts

most likely random rants and thoughts


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Welcome! please check out my clan while your here :3

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I'm a 24 year-old person that still acts like she's 16. i love ronin warriors and am currently trying to revive the fans to being more active.

i'm also an artist and i'm trying to develop my own type of dragons to the point that i can be consistent enough with them.

i'm also a writer and am currently in the process of being crushed by FOUR story's. two are fan-fictions based on the ronin warriors while the other two are fantasy story's that i've come up with.

Currently i'm very absorbed in my clan and will probably be so for the rest of my gaia life lol. i'm usually found there or on the zomg forums.

one of my gaia goals is to be able to buy two monthly collectibles every month and hope for items that are really cool biggrin

and if you haven't noticed by now i love the color green 3nodding

Role Play

Name: Chrissy
Age: 20
Hair: red length is to the middle of back
Eyes: green
Skin: light

Physical description/ notes
Chrissy has an emerald jewel that is embedded on her forehead and has been there since she was young. The jewel is a focus for her magical power and is what connects her to the element of the woods

She also has on a medieval style shirt and flowing skirt that she is very comfortable in for normal every day use. She loves the flow of the skirt and every once in a while when she is feeling cute she will play with the skirt making it swish from side to side

Her wings on her back are a gift from a dryad and have two forms. A smaller form that she is able to hide under a cloak or her hair, which are small wing buds.

The second form are only present when she is using her magic and they help amplify the magic drawing power from the living plants around her. The wings will also disperse the unused energy and cause new plants to sprout around her, which makes Chrissy cautious in where she casts her spells

She often carries a book of some sort with her at all times. Often it is a simple storybook and at others it’s a tome of spells. She often has a hard time remembering the spells she has learned and so she has to study more than the others.

She has with her at all times (even when she is asleep) a small headband in the form of cat ears. It was a gift from her first mentor and she keeps it with her always. (It has a small spell the prevents it from being damaged by water as well)

Also with her is a small gold medallion. She cannot remember where she had gotten it but she knows that it is extremely important for her to never lose it

She has a small familiar as well. A young bird that has a habit of resting on top of Chrissy’s head and amazingly the young bird keeps its hold on top of her head. Though every now and then Chrissy will coax it into her arms

Chrissy has a favorite tree that she likes to rest by that she has nurtured since it was a small seed. It has sheltered her when she has a hard day and has given her comported. Chrissy also vents her frustration every now and then to the tree (though if the tree can actually hear the words no one knows)

Comments left by people

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Kitty Peach Report | 06/22/2011 6:19 pm
Kitty Peach
Happy Birthday!
Rubor Report | 06/21/2010 9:17 am
Happy birthday for tomorrow Chrissy !! xx
Stabbitydeaty Report | 06/21/2010 8:54 am
HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!!!
S0 RAD Report | 03/01/2010 7:28 pm
Zomg is ALOt easier
and ok chrissy
S0 RAD Report | 02/28/2010 1:36 pm
hey chrissy
this is will
someone took over my account and said i quit
and then i got banned
durin hiatus
i came back because my friends play zomg
Phukking Writch Report | 01/14/2010 9:01 am
Phukking Writch
You is the oddball lol
Your Condom Dispenser Report | 12/18/2009 2:29 pm
Your Condom Dispenser
thx chrissy the only reason i changed it to this is because i was a giant condom dispenser for halloween
Your Condom Dispenser Report | 12/13/2009 6:49 am
Your Condom Dispenser
long time no see.. its me vege =w=
crazy crazincraz Report | 11/25/2009 10:51 am
crazy crazincraz
no not really
ryukuo daishi Report | 11/14/2009 12:22 pm
ryukuo daishi
lol thank you XD


I love dragons. can't ya tell :3

Dragon cave

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Akk! Why did you put me here!!! I don't belong here!!!

Ronins Unite!!!

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Muhahaha, Tough this is my profile page!!!

There's two guys now!

he he April fools isn't the only day I'm around


Now, now, be nice Chrissy