
Teenage years are funny in a way.
Meet people, so many people, but in the end you find yourself with a small fraction of those you've met.

Ever wonder the reason for someone to appear in your life? Someone may seem so insignificant after a break-off, or some may drift apart. They may even leave you for better, more 'qualified' people, which really means that you don't meet their selfish needs or wants.
You might come to realisation that in the long run, your success is exponential to even the potential of theirs.
Teenage populations are a giant marketplace of social networking. You buy, sell and win friends over, but in the end everything and everyone has a useful life. Some may be the most valuable to you, so valuable that you cannot bear to lose them.

That phenomenon has yet to occur to me.

I'm Olivia.
I'm going to create my own video game.

Get to know me.