[ ~Choco. Parfait~ ]

[ ~Choco.Parfait~ ]'s avatar

Last Login: 12/05/2009 6:42 pm

Registered: 03/06/2004

Gender: Female

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( / 'w' )/.A.B.O.U.T.M.E.\( 'A' \ )

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: D my name is jaclyn novak~ im 17goin on 18 with amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend :3 <333
i just recently got back on my gaia account...now that im out of school (GRADUATE : D) !! i have nothing better to do then go to my job and sit on the computer...XDDD so i might get more involved in gaia now~
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i love anime..listing all the anime ive seen would take forever..., parties with close friends, any type of cute or nice animal X3, i love to eat...even though im now tryin to lose weight >____>;;; ...videogames...any kind except sport...cause ...why not just play it in for realsies ;l i love multiplayer/online games...if u have a steam hit me up DX! - Digichar2 is my name - i love art so i might open my shop again now that i actually have time to draw XDDDD i mainly draw anime >_> i dont try for realistic...itll look like somthin only a blind mother could love >_>
um...my 2 hamster Taku (takumi) and Ruka :3 <333 so adorable X3
i also like asian culture >__>; (big shocker) and am currently learning japaense so one day i can be a well respected english teacher in japan >: D!!!!
i LOVE music D:! never really got into music when i was little till i heard jpop/rock...now i cant stop listenin to it >w>;; (favorite jrocker is Reita from Gazette) people wonder why i dont kno anything about the new songs on the radios these days >___>;;
and yea..i love making new friends so talk it up with me 8D im sure we'd get along great <3

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spiders..omg D: house centipedes....OMG...TICKS ghrwgn ok obviously...i dont like nasty bugs :l....i also dont like philidalphia (sp) rolls i just figured out >_> cream cheese in sushi was a bad idea people....
i dont like stereotypes...yet i use them :l but i dont like them...so yea im being hypicritical.....but its ok cause im the one who cant even spell here 8D;;....
and i dont like rude,stuck up people ..

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well....i love many many bands that are Jrock/pop..i love Korean pop/rap/rock....and i love thai pop/rock...:0 some american music does me good as well..i might get to listing bands some day but not right now..it doesnt really matter :l

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any kind of horror film, drama, or comedy...i love watchin foreign films..and korean dramas *w* ~ will list eventually so we can talk about all the cute guys in hana kimi or how cute CJ7 was

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;-; not photoshoped im just really really pale...
(blue is no long in my hair T^T)


View All Comments

-lil angel beccababy- Report | 08/18/2009 5:33 pm
could yu do avi art fer me now plz? o.0~?
x-iBelieve-x Report | 08/10/2009 8:46 am
Hey,you drew my avi art along time ago,when i was "ii_Browniez_Yum".
Do chu think you can do it again?Ill pay.

OokamiCasha Report | 08/04/2009 1:43 pm
Im a stalker.
*Chews on a beef jerky*
...How are you?...
Sarahdinosaur Report | 07/14/2009 4:23 pm
Awesome hair.
-LulzRamenKitty- Report | 07/14/2009 1:06 pm
sup hoe.
Pathetic Mimi-Chan Report | 07/13/2009 11:36 am
xDD Rofl. Omg; Saturday this kid buster was like stalking Melly and I for like 20 minutes. gonk
Pathetic Mimi-Chan Report | 07/13/2009 11:31 am
Yes. Hah. I promise im not a stalker. rofl.
Pathetic Mimi-Chan Report | 07/13/2009 11:26 am
Jackieee. I know youuuu. biggrin

I saw you in the GD. Haha.
-lil angel beccababy- Report | 07/13/2009 11:09 am
awwww ok sad
-lil angel beccababy- Report | 07/13/2009 11:05 am
hi hi ^-^
hey can yu do avi art fer me now?

L4D 2 IN SEPT!!!!

my adorable boyfriend <3

my best friend lauren <3

my best friend betsy <3