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well scince youve took ur precious time to look at a boring person like me's profile i guess i should tell ya a bit bout me...were to start im sophie and i live in england viva la crap exsept mi mates n boyfriend theres nothing here at all to do besides be a geek draw and go to leeds to buy anime i spend my days on gaia because i have nothing better to do with myself besides waste my life away on video games... i dont know wat else to say so am gunna come out with something random
everytime you see a rainbow god is having gay sex
If a quiz is a quizzicle, what is a test? a testicle lolz hehe :3
Once i jumped out of a 40 story building and was caught by a large unicorn who flew me to the moon and tried to butt f*ck me, I allowed...
and that children is how i lost my virginity
Total Value: 9,034,918 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Picolitrosso's Urn 7th Gen.White StockingsSDPlus #36 Ian DollMona's PotionKanoko's NightmaresRaging Night JewelMasquerade 8th Gen.Radio JackGreat Old OneMagical GirlDashing Gentleman Ruby SashCandy Pink Sweet Lace SkirtRose And Pink Reversible BraceletsBiancamellaCandy Pink Sweet Lace BlouseFancy Pink RibbonRed Riding HoodMasquerade 8th Gen.i wouldf also want someone to do a matching touhou cosplay with me once i have completed my flandre scarlet on my second account ^O^
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