Yo.My name is Julia.
But you can call me whatever you want.
I live in Vancouver, Cascadia.
Technically, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, for now.
I am 22 years of age.
My birthday is April 12th, International Space Day.
I like winter.
Hence my username. I'm a little obsessive about it sometimes.
I am a democratic socialist
I think everyone deserves every opportunity we can give them, and noone should be left behind, ever.
I am an athiest.
It's the only way the universe makes anywhere close to sense.
I like stuff.
But seriously, I like lots of stuff, I guess.
I like humans.
Human beings are fantastic to observe, we're so diverse in our derps.
I like food.
Someday my metabolism will catch up with me.
I am easily confused.
My whole world feels like a fuzzy confusing blur, usually. I suspect i'm mentally deficient.
I like to pretend i'm special.
But everyday that goes by, I realize we're all not so different.
Let's be friends, kay?
I hope my profile doesn't make me sound like I think i'm better than you.
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