Little About Moi ..
Dear Gaia,I have found you quite boring , yes I have had phases when I'm bored to come online and waste my day being on this site...but you get old and tiring after a while.
Sorry...I may sound like a b itch saying this but I am one wink
I love all my close friends on Gaia, you guys are awsome so I thank you for allowing me to have these friends since '07.
Yes Gaia if your wondering, I am weird but I'm unique so you can piss off if you dont like me, take me or leave it.
I love Adam Lambert, I dont give a f uck that he's gay he's a one of a kind... that I'd prob want to get into his pants but thats another topic for another day (:
I also love Joe Jonas, ever since '07 when I just started going on your site, and to be honest Gaia... I'm still in love with him , cheesy much ?
I also love Gaga, she's my idol if you haven't looked at the Avi.
Any Canadians in here ?
I attended the MMVA's (Much Music Video Awards) to see her and the Jonas'
hate them ? I don't ******** care. I met Nick Jonas at the Four Seasons hotel in downtown Toronto on september 25, 2009 , just felt like telling you.
I also saw my lover Adam Lambert at Much Music on January 25th 2010...I guess I got luck with the number 25,
I warn you I stalk my fave celebs...think I'm creepy I dont care at least I'm not sitting down at my chair going on you Gaia Ive met my idols so it's all good.
JOE JONAS is my next guy to meet (yn)
kay well Gaia I'll talk to you later, tell my friends to WRITE ON MY PROFILE.
waddup and goodbye <3
Love; The Glambert Fan .
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>.> I want to watch Wanda Sykes, but that's 2 hours away. sad
Yew better have your Galloshes missy! razz
The real world can suck,
especially if you are a Teen.
The only people who love Highschool are those who either: Have no idea about their low social status, or have no idea about the jerks in it, while being very popular.
Nothing much, just taking a break from homework.
I have Media Arts stuff due on Wedsnday, I need my Dad's cam. but I don't feel like getting it from him .___.
So, what else is new?
She's pretty much there all the time like me.
Tell her I said get well soon.
Well, yeah I'd expect that.
Where has she been anyway? I haven't really seen her today.