Everytime I look at you..
Hello there. I see you have been so kind to click on Chiikka to have a sneek peek of my profile? Well. I will hunt u down. Stalker.
You may wanna know one or two things about me? Well tbh, i think your being rather nosey, But I'll say stuffs anyways.
I adore my wonderful boyfriend, he does so much for me, he is truely amazing, I love him more than anything ever and there is no one that could ever make me think different.
I like random comments, well REALLY like them! Pm me if you really wish.. But I may take a while to get back to you..
Enough of that. You nosey people.
You wanna ask me for gold? Click here and get lost because I really do hate being asked to donate. Get your own gold. Gawd.
please don't copy or attempt to copy any of my avatars. I make them all myself, I hide my equiped items for a reason! But I'm not all mean, I make free tekteks, im my Free Tektek Shoppe if you like my avatar style :3!
I am 20. Don't ask me out. EVER! If you was going to. Please, bugger off. Thankyou.
You have a right to hate me, but if you do.. Please keep it to yourself. I tend to hate people who hate me. Its called karma. :3
I'm posh? You can't understand me? Err.. Well.. Thats cause I'm English? Maybe? I don't know.
I spend tonnes of time in the forums! If your here because of one of my posts, don't be shy! Talk please :3!!
Introduce yourself!
//Add Me?//Message Me?//Trade Me?//
//Comment Me?// You're Nosey?//
Its like the first time..
Hello there. I see you have been so kind to click on Chiikka to have a sneek peek of my profile? Well. I will hunt u down. Stalker.
You may wanna know one or two things about me? Well tbh, i think your being rather nosey, But I'll say stuffs anyways.
I adore my wonderful boyfriend, he does so much for me, he is truely amazing, I love him more than anything ever and there is no one that could ever make me think different.
I like random comments, well REALLY like them! Pm me if you really wish.. But I may take a while to get back to you..
Enough of that. You nosey people.
You wanna ask me for gold? Click here and get lost because I really do hate being asked to donate. Get your own gold. Gawd.
please don't copy or attempt to copy any of my avatars. I make them all myself, I hide my equiped items for a reason! But I'm not all mean, I make free tekteks, im my Free Tektek Shoppe if you like my avatar style :3!
I am 20. Don't ask me out. EVER! If you was going to. Please, bugger off. Thankyou.
You have a right to hate me, but if you do.. Please keep it to yourself. I tend to hate people who hate me. Its called karma. :3
I'm posh? You can't understand me? Err.. Well.. Thats cause I'm English? Maybe? I don't know.
I spend tonnes of time in the forums! If your here because of one of my posts, don't be shy! Talk please :3!!
Introduce yourself!
//Add Me?//Message Me?//Trade Me?//
//Comment Me?// You're Nosey?//
Its like the first time..