I don't know what to do anymore.

Current Mood: Lack of Faith in Humanity


My name is Mara and I have had no faith in humanity for a long time. I created a community of like minded people not only to spread the teachings of my wonderful late father but to connect with people and remind myself that good people still exist.

I just wanted to make things peaceful and fun for people. But there are lessons in failures and I am an expert by now.

It's a universal truth that no matter what you do, it will never be enough for people. People will always want more from you. ALWAYS.

What you choose to give is up to you.


ChaosPariah's avatar

Last Login: 02/14/2025 11:08 pm

Registered: 12/26/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/16/1989

Occupation: Writer, Empath, Comic Relief


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ChaosPariah's avatar

Last Login: 02/14/2025 11:08 pm

Registered: 12/26/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/16/1989

Occupation: Writer, Empath, Comic Relief


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View All Comments

Sabre Dance Report | 02/09/2025 8:29 am
Sabre Dance
Thanks for buying so much from my store!! I really appreciate it!!
Reina Dragunova Report | 02/02/2025 10:59 am
Reina Dragunova
Get well soon!!!
I saw your shoulder status :<
But thank you again for the Bidoof title :3
QiqiAgatha Report | 01/20/2025 1:42 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
EeveeChan Report | 01/17/2025 9:16 am
I will send you the first trade then smile
EeveeChan Report | 01/17/2025 9:06 am
HI sorry, to post it here, but I cannot send you a PM because I am not in your friend list.

I think you can only send trades for 50 items, so I could send you bunches of 50 capsules for 15k platinum, let me know if this works for you smile
Heaven Report | 01/14/2025 8:10 pm
Omg ty ty ty! crying I was trying to pm you but you have it to friends only.
Reina Dragunova Report | 01/10/2025 3:03 am
Reina Dragunova
Although "calming" farming games always gets me stressed out XD so much to do ~
Do you have any favorites? 3nodding
Reina Dragunova Report | 01/10/2025 2:46 am
Reina Dragunova
Hii Mara! I love your Cow avi :3
We're matchy cows!!!! heart

Also curious question, have you ever tried playing the Story of Seasons games? ^^
AstralBones Report | 01/09/2025 12:18 am
I wrote a much longer comment here then realised it was most likely too much so I deleted it in favour of just sending love heart heart heart
LOONEYSWOON Report | 01/04/2025 10:52 am
Super cute avii!! gaia_sakura


Everyone is changing, there's no one left that's real
So make up your own ending and let me know just how you feel


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"Sometimes it all just feels… pointless. But it's not. Not if you have people who care about you. Good memories can do a lot. Hold onto them. And cherish the people around you. You never know when they'll be gone. In this world, the worst thing you can do is… make someone think they're not wanted or loved." -Kinger

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