Favorite Foods: Cheesecake, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies,Pizza Sticks, Slushies, and Tea!
Favorite Bands: Interpol, Minus the Bear, Knives at Noon, Mindless Self Indulgence, Korn, Gorillaz, Modest Mouse.
Favorite Animes: Death Note, Full metal Alchemist, Fruit Basket, Naruto, Inuyasha, and all of the Myuzaki movies
biggrin Favorite Cartoons: Invader Zim, Regular Show, Adventure Show, Flapjack, SuperJail!, CatDog, Penguins of Madagascar, And a lot more i'm going to smack myself for not putting up. OwO;;
Hobbies: Drawing, Animating, Writing, Singing, going on DeviantART, Watching Cartoons, Playing on the Computer, Playing N64, (Old school Games FTW!) Customizing EVERYTHING, sleeping in class, drawing, making comics, walking around at 2 in the morning, Cosplaying, and a bundle of other stuff.
Favorite Video Games: Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time; Twilight Princess; Majora's Mask, Harvest Moon, Destruction Derby, Johnny the Homicidal Mario, Super Smash Brothers Wii, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Pokemon, Pokemon Pokemon.
Other Favorite Things: Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee!,Invader Zim, Regular Show, 2d, Murdoc, Zombies, yaoi, yuri....er...ah...
I want a slushie so bad right now. O_o;;
Good Stuff!

Oh yea, and this is me. :I
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