heart I am about 5'7 feet tall. <3 I am a GIRL! no matter what you might think =D <3 I play the viola, violin and a little guitar, i like signing too! >< <3 My country is Canada! LOVE IT AND LIVE WITH IT! >:3 <3 I am 16 years old, and going into my 11th grade next week uuurg. <3 The things i like are: Arts, swimming ( i do competitions, but i sucks at it >< ), drawing, acting, singing, playing DDR, cosplaying, anything that has to do with being a girl, this face: >:3 My best friend Joannie and I's inside jokes, sweets, cucumbers, zuchinis on the grill~ the mediterranean sea, France, french wine, Moritos, Pinacoladas, Spa treatments, Ski, Snowboarding, Snow, Winter, smoking Chicha uh.... GOD THERE IS TO MUCH! D: <3 The things i dislike are: onions, people that pressure me, you know, the bad things in life, SPIIIINACH, spiders, my dad when he gets mad for no reason (if not he's pretty cool : D ), Cigarettes, SPINACH, more SPINACH, ... Haters. and... SPINACH. <3 Thats me! oh oh!! and by the way, PLEASE, call me Kiki ^^
Art from my friends!
One of my OCs, Chu. Drawn by Ami-Hina-Lee. She rocks my socks! biggrin
Avi art of my current avi, by Hanako Hyuuga! : D It's so cute!!!!!!
First = Perfect^^..i have got Cousins from New York..but i have got a long time to see them...3 years sad
Second= Fine wink..all fine thanx for careing biggrin
Then= i can`t forget you you are my Gaiaonline`s Best Friend <3
and thank you sweety <3
that`s sure..i will stop and i will meet you biggrin
i`m so Happy to meet you..i never met person for Canada <3
and i`m so Glad to met.. (L)
Yesterday i fiished School wiiiiii^^
you?sis you finish? <3
No,it doesn`t
i don`t travel like them...
I really want to go in France or In England(i Born in England and i have got many cousins..In France a lot of Friends)
Hihi biggrin
My Parents will go in New York next Year and i will come with them... i will go to Canada :heart
i hope i will see you,so biggrin
Sorry for my English...i `m no so good crying
I`m very Happy to Meet You Kiki
you look very Good and really Sweet Girl biggrin
me..hihi..i have got one Big Brother,19 years old
One Twin Sister 14 years old and one little sister 11 years old.. biggrin
sometimes they annoying me,too
But they are My Family..My Parents always go to work..my Father work in England and My Mother in France..so
i don`t.sometimes see them..only Christmas,Easter,Summer.. crying
ahaha biggrin
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