Im Chelsea
people i know call me Chels or Chele
i hate the name Josie i really do
anyways heres my story
im 5'4" pretty short to most people
I love going to the beach
i enjoy tackling people like theres no tomorrow (:
im going into high school and i already made a lot of friends
preps can kiss my a** and
my group at school is
the people who enjoy life
funny, silly, friendly, and fun to be around
0_0 i dont get shy when i talk to people
i was raised to stick up for others and myself (:
strange people
but anywho im a happy person all around
idk im the type who will randomly call some just to say hi
~go to the beach a lot
~have an awesome slumber party with best friends
~summer love
~receive 8 jackets (cute ones)
~get a lot of stuffed animals
~soccer camp
~prank call at lease 1 person per day
~go camping in my back yard with Jade
~get a new outfit each week
~wake up early to go running[/strke]
~get a puppy
~get a new cell phone(failed)
~hang with family (cousins) 24/7
~take a lot of pictures
~have fun with my best friends
~no fights with friends and no drama(failed)
~silly string a teacher at a store
~scream as loud as i can at the mall
~make up a hand shake
~have fun in the sun
~hang with best friend Cori
~make my own cake
~eat healthy [FAIL!!]
~jet skiing
~go tubing
~annoy the crap out of random people
~tackle cute / hot guys
~throw stuffed animals off a tall building and hope it hits some1 (:
~find a new victim to annoy (:<

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