(Crikey, this was the only functioning Castlevania related theme? I feel like I'm copying hundreds of other CV fans. XD; My apologies.)
Oh hello, welcome to my silly domain.
If there's anything you should know about me, it's that I go through fandoms like socks, currently sweating in my Castlevania and Shin Megami Tensei socks.
I'm very socially awkward, so I rarely (if ever,) talk first (if so, I'm either feeling very ballsy or it's late at night. XDD)
My hobbies include cosplaying, drawing (mainly fanart, sorry to disappoint), and video games. I also sail the seas of the internet on a giant pirate ship that tends to sink at least once a year.
Well, idek, that basically sums me up. XDDD;
Here's a 1up for wasting your time, reading this.
Kitori Sotoma's journal of....WUBBA WUBBA WUBBA!!!!
Just ummmmm.... Okay I admit: I'm psycho....
Anyways, heres the stories of my crazy little life outside of Gaia.
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