
Name: Cassy
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Relationship: Engaged (Chase)
Age: 19 years young
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Irish, German, Native American, and Dutch)
Birthday: Jan/01/1992
Hair:Black/Blond Sceney.
Eyes: Green/ blue/ gray/ and a hint of orange. (sometimes mixed all at once)
Height: 5''1''
Weight: 115 pounds

The Juggalos are my second family.

Yes, I'm a Juggalette! ♥

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Personality: I'm down to earth, and spontaneous. I have a great sense of humor, and enjoy having fun.

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I warn you though, I do have a seriously bad side. Don't ******** with ME, my FRIENDS, or my FAMILY. kthnxbai smile