My name isn't "Carrie." Just thought you'd like to know that. But go ahead and call me Carrie while I'm here. What with it being my username and all. :3This isn't my only account. It's actually my third. My first one was doyouneedtokno and then I made behindthescenesofmonicali. Not sure why I made three but I kinda don't wanna delete any of them now so I'll just keep 'em.
I'm 13. When I turn 14 I guess I'll edit this lil' thing here so that is says 14 instead of 13. But since I am 13 right now I guess I'll keep this paragraph the way it is. Heh.
I'm kinda shy in real life but this isn't real life. Well, it is. Sorta. But not as real life-ish as real life...Nevermind. I'm not making any sense. I'm terrible when it comes to managing time and money but that really doesn't matter seeing as I'm still a kid here. My mom can help me with all that. biggrin Yeah, well that means that I'm constantly broke on all three of my accounts. Just thought you might wanna know why my avater is so shabby. Plus, I have a terrible sense of fashion so...
And I really don't know what else to write/type here so...I think I'll stop.
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