Poetry O-O!
What I do not deserve
-By: Me
Fill me up with light,
Let it escape from every pour
And wash over my world
So radiantly.
Toss me over with water
Cleanse my soul and extend outward
To flood the globe
So entirely.
Sweet sovereignty come swiftly to me
To call my attention skyward and onward
For a better me
For a better world.
It as if we strive for success
Only to fall short
For we do not know
What is true success.
Is it the light, the water, the sovereignty
That we all yearn for?
The light blinds me
Scorches my skin.
I cannot handle what is
Within and what is without.
The water drowns and fills my lungs
To keep me from breathing.
The breath that is not mine
In the Beginning.
We all run from our Masters,
Our sovereigns who truly have saved us.
Though we are not worthy of such a love,
We receive all that we do not deserve.
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“I have lived that life already, in the mud, in the shadows, in a cell, in a silk dress. I will never submit again. I will never stop fighting.”
Ok, here is another one.
“Perhaps there could be no joy on this planet without an equal weight of pain to balance it out on some unknown scale.”
Let us begin!
"Gentle reader, may you never feel what I then felt? May your eyes never shed such stormy, scalding, heart-wrung tears as poured from mine. May you never appeal to Heaven in prayers so hopeless and so agonized as in that hour left my lips; for never may you, like me, dread to be the instrument of evil to what you wholly love"