Hey this is Candiesroks098 and this is MY PROFILE!Here are some ppl i want to describe bout
Sabrina(Cheeri_890)is acctually my sister she i sumtimes really cranky in the mourning and can be really mean sumtimes but she is sumtimes also really nice she donated 2k to me (2,000)her favorite color is green she <3 basketball and she is really weird jk
Mary1026 she is my best friend on gaia becuase she is mostly on and always tlks to me and shes really nice she always comments back right after ive sended my comment and i think she was the firstperson i tld my secret to btw noone cn findout bout my secret besides my sis and mary since she already noes it o and three more other ppl but besides them noone noes well besides my family noone noes now
Sophia(music0829)is really nice too she bought me a black prom dress when i told her that i had nuthing to were but really nooby cloths like the stater clothes (no offense noobz)and she is also my sisters best frend still at least thats wat i think but im not sure
The rest of the ppl in my frends list are nice too they sumtimes dont even go on but wen they are on they are nice
Now i dont knoe wat to write bout o wait i can write bout me Heres sum 411 bout me
Things i like to do and things i like
5.tubig in lakes
6.bugs that dont annoy you or bite you
7.and more i can't remember
Things i hate and hate to do
2.broussel sprouts
3.leeches (even thoe i hav nvr got one)
4.bugs that annoy you
5.and more i can't remember
3.Can Dice
4.Candice (in English Accent)
If You Can Donate
Then Please!
Donate To Me
xii-songbird-iix:10,000 gold,gloves,stockings,and shoes
Oh And Here Are My Dream Avi(s)
Total Value: 101,076 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Cool Starter Rocker Girl Flats
Pora Ice
Aqua And Blue Reversible Hair Pins
Aqua And Blue Reversible Bracelets
Prism Butterfly Mantilla
Sky Sparkle Empire Dress
Blue Fur-Trimmed Bra
Blue Fur-Trimmed Underwear
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
Total Value: 67,056 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Angelic Earmuffs
Dreamer's Dust
Gray SKA shoes
Light Grey And Grey Reversible Bracelets
Felicia's Gloves
Black Heart Face Tattoo
Black Nosey Face Tattoo
Striped Stockings
Antarctic White Polyester Necktie
White Leather Belt
Black Fur-Trimmed Bra
Soft Black Underwear
Total Value: 660,225 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Blue Nosey Face Tattoo
Angel Imp Plushie
Panda Plushie
Inari's Beads 12th Gen
Jenny Doll
White And Ice Reversible Bracelets
Gogh Reed 6th Gen.
White Stockings
Gray SKA shoes
Ocean Cut Off Shorts
Black Leather Belt
Black Strapless Bra
Soft Blue Underwear
Total Value: 41,932 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Coal Tavern Wench's Bustier
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Striped Stockings
Fancy Pink Ribbon
Heart Eye Patch
Rose Tea Time Waitress Dress
Gold Tiara With Onyx
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
White Hachimaki
Tiny Pixie Wings
wat ppl write bout me or to me
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