Gold amount:
25K [X]
50K [X]
75K [X]
100K [X]
125K [X]
150K [X]
Probably won't be getting much past 150K
sweatdrop *walking along, stops, peers at you from over my shoulder* WHO ARE YOU?!? D:< Ha, just kidding xD
Hey everyone, what's up? My name Is ____ ... yea, thought i was going to share my real name with chu? >_> heh, that's not the real reason why; I have an awful first name. Therefore, i go by Peachez/Peach/Peaches/ etc. on here. If i had an awesome first name, i would put it up here (like Lucian or something asian) But anyways...
Wanna know about me, huh? Creeper. xD Kidding,again. I am a Sophmore, yet i can pass as a Senior. I go to a fabulous school up here in West Valley City, and i hope to never leave... Well, that's not true, i wanna leave as soon as possible, I'm starting to dislike my "friends" oh well, not to speak about. I have an Art class (woo!) and a Study class (yea!) and a math class (what?) Yea yea, math. Not fun. But am i getting it? Yes. Do i have an amazing Teacher? Yes. Therefore, it's fun. I had it third, but i am getting it third next term. So yea, that's basically school
Things i like to do? A lot. Gaia is probably on the top of my list. I mean, it's SOOOO addicting. I've seen people where they actually leave, then come back and do their normal thing on here. I mean, it's that addicting, ya know? Probably under that is Art class, because, my art teacher is incredible. She knows what she's doing and is not someone to d**k around. I like to eat a lot too... I'm a very picky eater, but I'm trying new things. right now, i love ribs/riblets a lot, and pasta is yummy (olive garden for the win yo!) especially those lasagna rolls (yum) and then maybe Math after that. I hate having to redo it, and i keep losing my papers for math. But that's my fault lol.
So some fun random things about me; First off, I'm Gay (even though my friends keep saying "try a girl" over and over and over *five hours later* and over and over.) honestly, I'd rather be with a man than a woman. I don't care who you are, guys, as long as your the following; Good looking, charasmatic, muscular and REAL. If you lie to me and say your a girl in real life, i will kick your virtual butt. Moving on from that, i enjoy listening to music, writing, drawing, tekteking and doing Tarot. Yes, tarot. I do readings, I'd be happy to do one over pm's if you'd like me to. I've never done one before, so don't expect me to be perfect at it.
More fun random things about me; I join tektek contests, run tektek contests, and so on. It keeps me occupied, and it bides my time. I plan on leaving the AT (avatar talk) for a while here and practicing. I just wanna come back in a big blaze of glory, and then honestly, show a couple of people up.
But yea, that's about all you need to know about me. If you wanna know more, strike up a pm and I"ll reply any of your questions. Who knows, maybe we'll become best friends
biggrin Okay bye.
ART by -i Shitake NomNom -!
Account started on January 10th, 2009.
And look where we are now~
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