Info bout me
I am someone who loves to write draw and paint.
Nothing is more important to me than my imagination and I will be no where without my friends and family.
I love making new friends so dont be afraid to say hi.
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Calamity's Tale
Calamity sighed as she was led in to a newly built grey building. A lot of people were surrounding it with cameras and microphones, but she didn’t know why. All the buildings looked the same; tall, grey and dull. No, the people weren’t here for the building. They were here for the man who runs it, her father.
She was following a fair distance behind, but was close enough to see what was happening. The large men on either side of her were wearing black suits and sunglasses. Even though she couldn’t see their eyes, Calamity knew that they kept glancing at her.
They walked in to a big room filled with chairs and a stage. The room was filling up quickly. Calamity’s father walked up to her before moving on to the stage.
“Calamity listen, this means a lot to me…”
“Yeah I know” Interrupted Calamity
“Keep quiet and be polite”
Her father smiled and touched her lightly on the cheek.
“Good girl”
She brushed his hand away and forced a smile. With that, her father turned away and walked off.
Want to read more?
What sort of World is this?
Opening the door and stepping on to the streets,
is like walking in to a battle field of corpses, and ghosts,
and people who haven’t turned the light on in their eyes
What sort of world is this?
Where innocence suffocates the moment its eyes open,
its breath stolen away before it reaches the lungs.
Not even the sun can burn through this miasma
so it snatches away at the remaining fragments.
This city never stood a chance.
A girl too young for college sits alone, her ‘mistake’ lying peacefully in her arms.
shaking hands drops the cigarette, and she brushes his tangles away
while mumbling half hearted whispers of affection
the young mother leans in and tenderly kisses his bluish lips
What sort of world is this?
Where we no longer need to search for the scars
we can see them there through the thickening haze
as plain as blood smears on white sheets
there, where the smiles used to be
Dancing and drugs make the perfect cocktail
all it costs is your sanity, your self control
and everything that cant be returned
at least the fleeting moment of ecstasy is enough
to convince you that its worth it
What sort of world is this?
where love is ******** someone in a dirty alley way
while other people watch enviously
impatiently waiting their turn
No amount of wind or rain
can make these excuses crumble
if it touches the sky it can steal away time
and everything that time can hold
What sort of world Is this?
where a reason keeps you breathing
and a lie keeps your heart beating
where people don’t care to look back and say
“where did we go wrong?”
Talk to me
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How are you?
LOL NO, I love you too~ 8D
yea i feel like that alot.
yea i feel like that alot.
whats up?
I'm playing a bit more now. :3