About the All-Mighty BURAKU★STAR!!

Hajimemashite! Watashi wa Buraku★Star desu!!
I am the ninja meister to Tsubaki, the demon weapon. I'll admit, I'm a very arrogant and loudmouthed person for an assassin...Tch, I'd would rather make a big entrance than sneak up on his opponent! Oh, and I love to upstage anyone I can to gain as much attention as possible. I will surpass God himself!! I am the soul survivor of the Star Clan, who was a family of ninjas who used to kill for money. When anyone sees the star tattoo on my shoulder and recognizes it, I am instantly oppressed by that person. I am a great fighter and an amazing assassin, and someday, it'll make me a great kishin like my Father. I have a high pride and think of myself as the best because I have high confidence in myself - anyone truly can be the greatest if they believe it!
Name -Black Star
Race - Human
Gender - Male
Age - 13 years
Hair - Blue
Eyes - Green
Status - Meister
Quote - "I am the man who will surpass God!"
Debut - Episode 2
Anime - Soul Eater
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and its all cool you want that item for the hair? xD
And thanks I tried my best with the cosplay
I chose the OVA version of her
I just need guns now xD
and Finn's beatboxing in the beginning is all boss xD
When Marceline's dad is summoned by Finn
I really like the song she sings :3