Guten label~My Name is Kathryn,
But everyone calls me Katie or Bunnie.
Birthday: December 2nd
Likes: Drawing, Photography, Elves, Taking long walks, Video games, The computer, Procrastinating, Rain, Dragons, Thunder and Lightning, Hamsters, Slugs, Birds, Spaghetti, Corn, Jiffy (The brand) blueberry and raspberry muffins, Anime, Manga, Lord of the Rings, Music, Sweeping (for some reason), books, Basketball, Writing, Snow, Wind, Cold weather, Fall, Strawberries, Fantasy, forests, Brownies, B&W stripes, strawberry cake.
Dislikes: Hot days, Mushrooms, Rap music, Grapes, People who can't spell correctly, Hannah Montana, My brothers, Most all celebrities, That plastic that new things come in, the Jonas brothers, Litter bugs, Spiders, Girly girls, Getting sick right when we're about to go somewhere cool.
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Nah, she can have it all.
This is Gina, btw.
I changed my screen name.
Of course this is when EVERYONE was posting for achievements in there.
The reason Carl keeps killing you in because you shot a deer/elk.
:U Yeah. He's an elk.
I beat four of the guides, all but Carl.
So what made you to come back on Gaia?