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KiZzA 7
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DO THIS ITS SOO FREAKY *DID NOT START* =0 A thursday october 6, 2005 here just do it most people aren't sure of what they really want in life. I received this letter from a friend on the computer, did what it told me to, and within a week, everything I had wished came true!! Here's an exact copy, this really works!!!! ************************************************************* 1. To yourself, say the name of the only guy or girl you wanna be with 3 times! ************************************************************* 2. Think of something you wanna accomplish within the next week and say it to your self 6 times!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. If you had 1 wish what would it be? say it to yourself 9 times!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Think of something that you want to happen be tween you and that 1special person and say it to your self 12 times!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Now, heres the hard part! Pick only 1 of these wishes and as you scroll down focus and concentrate on it and think on nothing else but that wish. * *
itachi_uchia is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!
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