Senior at HHS, that's pretty bangin', right? Classical Academy... yeah... You could call me smart. Out of school I'm pretty carefree and fun, and a little clueless. I love animals. All animals. Riding horses is one of the only sports I can really enjoy, it doesn't involve a ball or any hand/eye coordination at all. Sometimes I like the rain, other times I don't. It really depends on the KIND of rain, you know? Cold rain is SAD. Warm rain to dance in is FUN. I like my friends, the beach, sledding, random dancing/singing in the halls, puddle jumping, drawing, reading, listening to music, finding new artists that aren't popular yet, and the first snowfall of the year. I want to learn to fish. I tried to once, and it was night time. Not only did I not catch any fish, but we lost our hooks. Wow, nice job Uncle Jim taking me at night. My family is really important to me, I have 3 older sisters and a cousin who's practically my twin brother. I love to talk so TALK TO ME!
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