
Ab0uts mEh <333

heart heart

Name: Vera
Sign: Tarau

((Why won't you PM me for Details? =P))

I have two beautiful children.
I'd put a photo but can't find a good site to upload that isn't only temporary

I also have been married for 10 Years.
And Met my husband on this very site, 13 years ago. (We lived in different states)

Anyways :], Lets get on to My Likes heart
I am obssesed with Avatar Art so.. gimme! >:3
-I like to read.
-Luff random PMs.
-Likes comments in her profile (( So comment! DDD:< ) wink
-Ohhz && I luff teh color pink& turquiose. :3
-I like pretty things like,like, stars *.*
-Kingdom hearts
-Little mermaid o.o

(Meh, I wanted the one when they take their shirts off when cutting wood. If you can get that one for me. I'd love you forever).

My Hates DDD:<
-Mean people
-Misquitoes (smacks one)
- I'll work on this later.....

Heart disease is the number one killer of Women in the United States. My mother was one of them.
Jimmie V. Lorenzen.
April 23, 1965- Jan. 6, 2008.
Help save a heart. Watch for the signs.

My last words:
Well anyways, Are you done navigating through my profile yet?
Please take time to leave me a comment while your done reading this ''About''
stuff >.> Biyas! :B


Viewing 12 of 102 friends


Mistress Gojyo's Journal

Hug me?



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Captain Blade Uzumaki

Report | 05/12/2024 2:27 pm

Captain Blade Uzumaki

Happy Birthday!
Lofty Ambition

Report | 06/21/2023 9:23 pm

Lofty Ambition

Do you still read much?
Captain Blade Uzumaki

Report | 05/12/2023 9:45 am

Captain Blade Uzumaki

Happy Birthday!
Captain Blade Uzumaki

Report | 05/12/2022 9:32 am

Captain Blade Uzumaki

Happy Birthday B.E!
Captain Blade Uzumaki

Report | 05/12/2021 8:25 am

Captain Blade Uzumaki

Happy Birthday!

Report | 11/04/2020 3:52 pm


Thank you so much for the gift, you're very kind heart
Platonic Purple Panda

Report | 11/04/2020 12:18 pm

Platonic Purple Panda

Love the item thanks!!!
Wolven Bird

Report | 11/04/2020 7:47 am

Wolven Bird

Whoa, thank you for the gift! heart Happy Halloween!
I see we are mutual friends with CrescentWolf and Durem Ranger, small world huh?

Report | 11/04/2020 6:41 am


Thank you for this rather cute gift yum_candycorn

Report | 10/31/2020 5:57 am


Thank you for the gift and Happy Halloween!


SD Plus Dolls> Please?
426/ A Lot
Please visit my quest Thread

RIG's Please?