About Me
A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Brandy
Birthdate:: April 3, 1992
Birthplace:: Louisville, KY
Born on : April 3, 92
Music: Rock, sometimes Rap, country, really just about anything
Live: Kentucky (United States) - South Of Louisville
Hobbies: readin', writin', sometimes drawin', talkin' 2 friends, listenin' 2 music.
Favorite Colors: Black, Dark Purple, Red, and Blue.
Current Location:: Shepherdsville
Eye Color:: Hazel / Green (Depends on my mood)
Hair Color:: Naturally Blonde (dyed Black)
Height:: 5' 1
Are you taken?: Not At The Moment
Are you a virgin?: No
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: None At The Moment
What's your job?: Dnt Hve One
What's your Dream Job?: Working With Computers.
Who is your best friend?: I Hve More Then One..
What instruments do you play?: Use To Play Clarinet
What are your hobbies?: Computers, Music, Reading, Tlkin'/ Hangin Out Wit Friends
What are your goals?: 1. Find somebody worth it all and 2. Move somewhere else
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: Somehow I find skydiving safer than bungee jumpin' lol
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: Just bout anythin
How would do describe yourself?: Short lol
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: Guys xD haha
What do you daydream about?: Findin' Someone Who Loves Me No Matter Wht
One:: my height
Two:: change my looks
Three:: my niceness
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: doesnt really matter to me
Spender or Saver?: idk
Truth or Dare?: Depends on who you are
Books or Movies?: Both
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: both
Cats or Dogs?: Dogs
Mountain or Beach?: Beach
Sweet or Salty?: depends on my mood
Smoke?: No
Drink?: No
Get annoyed easily?: not rly
Like to travel?: Driving, yes. Flying, no (im scared of hrights)
Like to drive fast?: yep.
Sing well?: idk haha
Want kids?: whn i get older
-----What would you name a boy?: Andrei
-----What would you name a girl?: Alexandrea
Performed on stage? In what?: whn i was younger.. Christmas paly thingy.
Been in a car accident?: No n hopefully i nvr am
Been out of the country? Where?: Nope.
The last CD you bought?: Umm I dnt remember lol
The last movie you saw in the theater?: Twilight
The last movie you rented: Umm its been so long ago, i dnt remember.
Your greatest fear?: Heights n large bodies of water.
Your greatest strength?: yelling at others lol
Your greatest weakness?: Umm im 2 nice 2 ppl at times.
Your happiest memory?: I hve a few.
Your Favorite...
Movie:: Twilight i guess lol
TV Show:: Hve 2 many 2 name
Actor:: Dnt rly hve one
Actress:: Dnt rly hve one
Food:: Anythin good
smile Drink:: Water or tea plz
razz Color:: Black, Dark Purple, Red, Blue (I Dnt Decide Between Thm)
Scent:: Vanilla
Season & WHY:: Spring, Everythin comes "bck to life"
Day of the week & WHY:: Friday... does this really need to be explained?
Store:: Some place cheat lol
Quote:: "Bite Me"
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: Its wrong
Homosexuality:: If thts ur thing, thn go 4 it
God:: Real
Jesus:: Real
Satan:: Lives In Hell
Heaven:: Place with angels
Hell:: Firey, terrible place to b
Miracles:: Happens Whn U Need It Most
Astrology:: Idk
War:: Death.
Ghosts:: As Real As U N Me
Reincarnation:: False rumor
Karma:: Bites U In The a**
Luck:: Somethin tht makes u feel good
Aliens:: Could B Real
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