sup dudes! names nick but people on Gaia call me bluetiger. if ur wondering y i picked that name and not anyother one, its because bluetiger is a badass hero that i made up wen i was lik 5 and the legend is nowhere near the end! in fact, im writing a book about it (yea im smart!). i was born in minnisota (its cold as hell up there!), but ended up moving 2 TX. im black but lik being multicultural wen it comes 2 realationships. im willing 2 try new things and lik being different, lik people in my old school likd rock and metal while likd slow lov songs, that kinda thing. im not the most popular person around but, hell, im happy being me! from wat other people said, im a kind, sweet, smart, supportive, funny, free, helpful (just 2 name a few) person. those people think im the perfect person, even though im far from it... i only want respect, among some other things, so plz dont say anything that u kno i wont lik! thanx!
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