About me
Where to start, ay? I would probably describe myself as being quite eccentric; I strongly dislike most of the things a lot of modern 'trendy' youths enjoy (foot ball, soaps, game shows, gossiping, bright colours, the latest gadgets, ect). In fact, a lot of people would say I'm old fashioned and boring. And you know what? I don't really care. As far as I'm concerned, most mainstream people have about as much style and elegance as a cow pat. Anyway, before I start rambling on about the woes of modern society, I'll get back on topic... I'm rather tom-boyish, I don't really bother with make up (unless it's for something a bit unusual like a fancy dress party or LARP), or anything girly. I suppose when I'm not wearing my usual generic jeans/jumper getup I like to aim for sort of renaissance and or Victorian-ish gent. Fortunately I don't have much in the way of boobs, since these sort of outfits would look daft if I had a pair of big blimp like bouncing boobies.
At the moment my obsession of choice is
Transformers or anything robot orientated. As far as Transformers is concerned though, my favorites are Beast Wars (since it's the one I grew up with) and Generation one. The Michael Bay movies are OK, but it strikes me they were just thinking about how cool it would be to make giant robots fight each other, rather than giving them believable personalities or a reason
why they are fighting beyond 'Megatron is the bad guy and wants ultimate power'.
emotion_donotwant Ah well, that's a rant for another day... I haven't seen TF Prime yet, but it's on my 'to watch' list after I've finished watching G1. I also need to get around to reading the
More Than Meets The Eye comics, since I've seen a lot of fan art for it on DA, and people seem pretty exited about it.
I just need to justify spending £50 + on comics. sweatdrop You can check out our Transformers guild here. All generations welcome!
My other love in life for a long time now is the Legacy of Kain series. You may or may not have heard about it. The first game in the series was
Blood Omen, which was released in 1996, and the latest game, Defiance, was released in 2003 - so it's understandable if some of you youngsters have never heard of it. It's basically a story about vampires,
(long before they became poofy, love sick posers) who battle various demonic forces in the name of vengeance, ambition, redemption and defiance. They travel through time trying to save their decaying world from malign forces, and hopefully set things right.
So who does the main protagonist fall in love with? You may be asking. The short answer to that is: no one. Unlike other stories, where the main protagonist is distracted every so often/all the time from their world saving quest by their useless other half, Legacy of Kain boasts no such diversions. In fact, in the one game where the player is presented with a 'sexy' female counterpart, Kain responds only with derision and disdain and eventually ends up offing her rather than saving her life.
All in all, if you love a good story with lots of puzzles and killing your foes in a variety of ways, all in a dark gothic setting, play Legacy of Kain. You'd be missing out if you don't.
You can check out our LoK fanguild here.
I really don't mind talking to anyone who can hold an intelligent conversation, but no flirting please - I'm not looking for that sort of relationship on here at the moment. If I'm interested in you, I'll let you know. Other than that, I'd generally like to meet/talk to people who share the same interests as me. Also, I should warn you that I have no time for people who can't be bothered to type properly. By 'properly' I mean typing with proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. Call me a grammar Nazi if you like, but there really is no excuse for it.
That, and I can't understand you when you tlk lyk dis.
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My friend's mom moved away to Kansas so I've been running him and his fiance back and forth to work on top of everything else.
It's exhausting...
I've gotten back to playing it lately and have tried and failed several times to make a character that somewhat resembles him.