Blue House Ciel's avatar

Location: London

Birthday: 12/14

Occupation: Queen's Watchdog

Why do you want to know what I'm wearing?!


Who is Ciel Phantomhive?

I'm Ciel Phantomhive, and I am currently attending a school under the blue house, the house of intelligence and wisdom.
If you request to know more about me, please consult my butler, Sebastian.
(Speaking of which, where is Sebastian?)

((If you're someone who has gifted me and has stumbled upon my profile, I'd like to thank you again for it, even if it's something "Ciel" wouldn't use/wear.
Basically almost EVERYTHING I wear comes from gifts, which I'm highly grateful for because this new economy is brutal to new players/come back-ers. Thank you thank you so much heart ))

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Javier Cross Report | 05/29/2014 6:15 pm
Javier Cross
I apologize for asking.
Do you know of willing role-players out there who might be interested If I were to speak with them?
Javier Cross Report | 05/29/2014 6:07 pm
Javier Cross
Is it the lack of willing role-players on Gaia nowadays that's the problem, here?
Javier Cross Report | 05/29/2014 6:01 pm
Javier Cross
What seems notorious to you by chance?
Javier Cross Report | 05/29/2014 5:52 pm
Javier Cross
Pleasure to meet you, Blue House Ciel.
Are you available for role-playing?
JoyRose Report | 05/04/2014 5:05 pm
Hi! Welcome to the Newbie Supporting and Training Guild. biggrin To help you start your exploration of the NSTG, please be sure to visit our official Welcome Thread. Also be sure to visit our Sweet Treats for Newbies charity, which rewards newbies for posting ten times in our guild; it'll help you get started on your NSTG journey. Thanks, and we can't wait to see you around the guild! emotion_hug

Earl Phantomhive