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Eyella's avatar

Report | 12/03/2012 5:29 pm


I donno why but you're awsome. lol. You're one of the few people that I remember from this site... lol. I come back from time to time, but I've been busy with life.

<333 I wanted to know if you had some avatars I can draw. I'm rusty, but I'll try. Hehe. I'll practice on your current. I miss drawing... ;(
Eyella's avatar

Report | 08/17/2012 6:59 pm


Imma have to play around with it before I can make an outfit with it though. xB
Eyella's avatar

Report | 08/17/2012 6:59 pm


Sweety. Thank you; it's prettiful~ <333 *cuddles it*

How have you been?
Eyella's avatar

Report | 07/07/2011 2:39 pm


Elmwood's avatar

Report | 02/05/2011 6:37 pm


O hi biggrin
Eyella's avatar

Report | 09/01/2010 11:08 am


I proberly missed yours this year too. T.T I fail @ dates. xB &&& thank you. *bows, bows* <333 It's awesome, although I'm in a bit of a avatar block right now. lol.

How have you been?
BarbieSlave's avatar

Report | 05/04/2010 3:37 pm


ninja heart More eloquently phrased by "ninja love". Or to be even more wordy, "I am secretly lurking on your profile after a very long time of not talking to you and am leaving loving wishes"
Eyella's avatar

Report | 12/21/2009 1:19 pm


Love your christmas avatar btw. xB
Eyella's avatar

Report | 08/18/2009 11:29 am


First of all, thank you so much for the b-day present. *huggles* You're too awesome! <333
I want to draw you, but my computer is broked... So, all I have is the computers at the school.
Lastly, how are you?! How are things with work and such?
Eyella's avatar

Report | 07/01/2009 6:29 pm


I wanna draw you, but that avatar as gorgeous as it is looks hard to draw. @.@ <333 I suck @ masks. xB
Have you been saving your avatars? ninja
Eyella's avatar

Report | 06/24/2009 2:42 am


ninja heart
Eyella's avatar

Report | 03/31/2009 3:34 pm


Bludget ish sexeh~! xB <333 Hehe, I mean nice avatar, I swear I'll reply to your PM, my brain hasn't been all there lately. D; Gahhh~
Eyella's avatar

Report | 12/22/2008 12:17 pm


Ohhh~ Pretty profile. :3 <3 (Sorry, eating all your comment space up. xB )
Eyella's avatar

Report | 12/22/2008 10:45 am


OMG, seriously?! o.o I was kidding, you really are quite the romantic. O.o Kinda creepy having it in your basement, but then maybe you have a really nice basement compared to the ones I've seen. x3

She also weaves, I'll have to snag a weaving from her too. ^^

Ohhh, what do you usually paint? User Image

Aw, is that supposed to be a really good quality tablet? I was so excited to get my tablet. :3

I donno, I asked my dad & mom to make me something for x-mas; Both are amazing artists in their own way. :3 I'm good with what I have so anything I get I'll be happy with. :3 Not really expecting anything flashy this x-mas. ^^
Eyella's avatar

Report | 12/21/2008 12:45 pm


You sound like the romantic, lemme guess you have a nice warm fireplace & candles, to boot? xB But it does sound very relaxing, && the tree too. @.@ <3 I've got one of those fake trees as well, it has those clear long plastic fibers that change color randomly. :3 It's on one of the many cat perches infront of the front window, lots of cats so... Lots of perches. @.@ (Moms a cat lover) A few presents yep, I know there's a painting my mom made for me under there, I really look forward to seeing it. User Image

Hopefully, but then I'm busy with school & no ones caught my fancy, but then, like you said, never know could get a surprise. @.@

I hate to ask you this, but are you wearing any pants? D: (*cough* Your avatar... O.o) It's just, I'm not familiar with all the items anymore, hehe. Still working on zee art, there may be a bit of guessing on my part & improvization. ++ There's one I did of you a long time ago & forgot to give you. xD
Eyella's avatar

Report | 12/19/2008 6:21 am


I already printed out your avatar so I could doodle it alittle bit on paper to get a feel for what type of emotion & pose she should have. :3 I'm not pleased with what I have so far, mostly because she seems like a warrior & the way I have her is alittle evil flirty, which suits her, but I think that I'll have to pose infront of a mirror for awhile to get it right. I love doing that, I'm not vain or anything, just fun to think of how your avatar would pose. :3

You're avatars are always awesome. I'm a fan I'll admit. :3

Haha, wish I could do that, still single. ;B

Not much, visiting him, he's all alone up there in the middle of nowhere, ++ I wanted to draw a bit, not gonna be much of a family thing, just me & him & the cats. Quite like yours. :3

Eyella's avatar

Report | 12/17/2008 5:53 am


You're avatar is as unusual as ever. xB I wanna draw it, I'll be visiting my dad on x-mas vacation, that's where the tablet is so maybe I can draw you when I'm there. ^^ <3

Nothing wrong with that, you've proberly have got lots of moniesh~ $$ <3

Doing anything on the holidays? User Image
Eyella's avatar

Report | 12/16/2008 5:59 am


User Image User Image
BarbieSlave's avatar

Report | 07/29/2008 9:44 am


No not at all. Books should ALWAYS be judged by their cover.
Bludget's avatar

Report | 07/29/2008 9:28 am


ZOMG!! Kill it quick! Eat it's brains! Er... yes. Completely, 100%, human, with no subversive DNA. Yes, trust me. Mmmmm...
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