I am 18 i am not currently in school i would be a college freshman if i was in school right now starting in the winter hopefully-_- and i am five foot two inches tall -_-'l| really short i know i like drawing and this is an account i have created to replace my old one that was hacked over the summer i was using my sister because she is nice and awesome i still use it cause she's planing on quitting gaia but that account got banned cuz a friend of mine bought an item with money and put it on my account. i do draw for requests and i will write fan fiction for people if they ask i wont draw hetai or write requests for it sorry guys. I am in love with a great guy and he loves me back. I'm taken people and I wouldn't trade him for anyone.
I love drawing for people and want to draw more.

like the pic visit me at my shop follow the link
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