Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground?When protection meant wearing a helmet?When the worst things you could get from boys were cooties?When your worst enemies were your siblings?When race issues were about who ran the fastest?When war was only a card game?When the only drug you knew was cough medicine?When the only things that hurt you were skinned knees?And goodbyes only meant until tomorrow?And we couldn't wait to grow up. heart Hannah is heart a female.16 years young.in grade 11, Junior.shy around new people.crazy with her friends.100% straight. (but supports gay rights 267%)always heartbroken because of one boy or another.always optimistic and cheerful.downright creepy.not judgmental in any definition of the word.completely nocturnal.a techno whore.none too bright.always looking for new friends. heart Hannah likes heart her friends. (especially her bestie, Sarah or Sarbear1000)<333her cell phone.<3her iPod (which now has a crack in the screen): )clouds.sunrises.<3sunsets.talking in third person sometimes.cute nerdy boys.<3literates.wearing her glasses contacts. she got them at the beginning of Soph. year.(:gay people. they make her happier.<3music.<3nice people.the color purple.<3comfy jeans.<3being herself and no one else.<3<33 Hannah hates 3making lists of what she hates. so she is done here.
This be Hannah herself =]glomp here.oh, and here.OK, as of Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 8:23 am:
Hannah is worth: 1,609,362 Gold
heart heart heart heart heart
Hannah's most valuable item: Chyaku Norisu Scarf
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart 
Total Value: 248,727 Gold
After Exclusions: 218,727 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Lovely Genie White Bangled BraAngel Imp PlushieAngel Imp PlushieCloudClean White Tavern Wench's SkirtBuddhist Monk's Rosary WhiteBuddhist Monk's Rosary WhiteBlade's White BeltBiancamella 2nd GenAngel Imp PlushieAngel Imp PotionHannah makes cool TekTeks when she's bored.

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bloodbenda's ramblings. READ O:<
I might post some poems/free verses I've written, or I might spill my guts, but I might not update this very much. Or I might update it 5 times a day. all depends.
mess? with this?
I didn't think so. >:3
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