About M E
Sup I'm KatieI love GYMNASTICS
my hair is blond, but not for long
I love animals
I'm a vegetarian DEAL WITH IT
I think online dating is pointless
I have frappuccino in my veins
I have one bro.
I love school
My fav. song is You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban
I'm funny, athletic, weird, hyper, dramatic, random, outgoing, caring, fun, me.
I'm just me
nothing special
but me
My bars routine.
Low bar-
Mount Kip
back hip circle
cast squat on
High bar-
back hip circle
dismount flyaway
My beam routine.
Mount- hitch kick
dance combo
full turn
releve turn
cartwheel cartwheel
switch leap wolf jump
ect.... i haven't finished creating this routine yet (wish me luck at practice!)
My potential floor routine.
possible floor music- bout it from step up or halloween
back tumbling pass- roundoff back handspring back handspring
front tumbling pass- front tuck front walkover roundoff or front walkover front walkover roundoff
random tumbling pass- probably front
jumps- tuck fulls, wolf halfs, ring jumps, strattle, ect.
dance tumble dance- tuck jump roundoff strattle
tumble dance tumble- front walkover wolf back handspring
other- dance sequence, switch leap, ring leap, full turn
Vault- none.
Hey, if you go to my school, tell me! Come to one of my meets! Just ask me when they are and I'll see you there!
Hola, me llamo Lola. Yo tengo doce anos. Yo soy una chica muy deportista y inteligente. Me gusta practicar deportes, correr, y nadar. A veces, me gusta ir a la escuela. Pues, adios. Hasta luego.
You would only know what that means if you've taken Spanish or if you're taking it now or something. Yeah, sorry I didnt have any of the accent marks. I didn't really feel like adding them in.
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i AM spanish or mexican......
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