Black xx Haze

21 years
SE London/ Sometimes Hastings
Hello, I'm George, living in England with my best friend or dad on occasion. I would love to get to know you, so leave me a msg or cmnt, I get along with nearly everyone and am very easy going. I take a more liberal side, also I am very open-minded and non-judgmental. Least favorite trait in anyone is ignorance, and I think the sexiest has got to be confidence. I like to sometimes live on the wild side of life, and am a full believer of living as if there is no tomorrow. Love to laugh, dance, party, everything. I make a living styling hair, but on the side I am a very dedicated artist. Hope to get to know you!

I don’t care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
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just popping in to say hello. and how are you doing this fine, rainy for me, evening?
just popping in to say hello. and how are you doing this fine, rainy for me, evening?
This is elise's friend Kali, (;
I just wanted to say that your a very extremly atractive man, and you have sexy hair xD
Noww that im done being a creeper, ill just go on with my jolly day razz
Buhbyee<3 heart
How is life treating you?
Yeah, life's been crappy ever since my parents divorced, and that was...about seven years ago. And on top of everything, it just got 100 times worse within the last week. This year's gonna majorly suck.
Aw, I love that song. That's my mom's favorite Beatles song. It's so beautiful. Thanks. =)
Haha, yes, actually, I know a few guys that dig accents. Sadly, they're all straight. =(