Hi I'm BlackDream12! I'm gonna tell u about myself. Enjoy! smileI like anime/manga especially Fruits Basket! Isn't Fruits Basket the best? My fav character is Yuki! heart
I have 2 dogs and they are super adorable, their names are Piper and Charlie! My fav animals are dolphins, zebras, and doggies! biggrin I think everyone should have a pet, but that is just me.
Plz b my friend!
I am also really freakily weird, 'kay? I u don't believe me ask my not-so-imaginary-friend. His name is Benny "The Ball Boy" Spalding because he is a volleyball I drewd on with white board marker! He is my homie.
I also have 3 imaginary friends, Justin, Kayden, and Ice. I talk to them in my head. I also love vampires so MUCH!
I is EDUMAKATID and it says so on my CALCUMALATOR! I actually have had straight A's all my life. I swim on a swim team and I love to draw and write stories (even it they suck, like usual)! I am also in show choir! WE RULE!
My fav song is totally Good Old-Fashioned Loverboy by Queen. It is the best song EVAR! My fav movie is The Little Mermaid and my fav color is Purple because I keep originals (even if it doesn't seem like it), plus MERMAIDS rule!
Mirror Fang 714 is meh cousin! She rules so plz see her awesome stories in the arenas! Ooh, and give her a 5/5!
And speaking of the arenas I posted a story called The Death of Annabelle and The Vampire who went to Church, so read them... Watch out for BlackDream12!!! :3
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so how are you ~ ?
besides the fact that we're randomly experiencing a small heat wave,
i'm doing good ~ whee
Haven't talked to you in forever,
I see you're doing the achievements too ? wink
Heheh. It means 'please take care of me'
cause you wanted to learn along ~
and 'Listen! Japanese is really fun, isn't it?'
Eheh. ^^
gawd I went on your profile
heard the waffle song
and started dancing xD
My family is pretty much just snakes and rats.
I'm the random rooster here. xD
W'bout you ? x33
Hai! Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu ^^
Kiite, kudasai~! Nihon wa hontoni tanoshi, desu ne ~
YES! Year of the Tiger!
Toraaaa ~ :3
I'm taking Japanese now, and so I will attack you with random Japanese words!
although i said that, nothing comes to mind right now.
ichi ni san shi go roku shichi hachi kyu juu ~
Except I can rarely get on lately -______-
Valentines Day and Chinese New Yearr on Sundaaayy x33
It has been foreeever ~!
how are you ?